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Hot forming shoe.

Slidu Serviss, using professionally equipment, offers a hot shoe molding.

In order to boot your best fits to the foot, many manufacturers use the gel and other excipients in the frame the shoe. If this technology is used in your case, then before you buy, ask the seller instructions on how to hold true test this procedure, it is important to know the time, method and heating temperature.

In workshops Slidu Serviss, there are special stove for forming shoe. Here you can get this service quickly and efficiently.
Please note that manufacturers recommened heated shoes only once, it is connected with the peculiarities of the filler.
We are ready to take full responsibility for the execution of these works, but should bear in mind that every manufacturer recommends a method for this procedure. Many shoes come to us not the first time and we know how to work with them. But there are exceptions.

Some manufacturers use other methods to obtain the same result, and his shoes are categorically forbidden to heat.
We strongly recommend that when you buy you can specify whether you want to heat up and this model of shoe, which method and temperature to which this procedure recommends manufacturer.